
Le Cercle - QLONS, Special K, FMR

Du 06.07.2018 23:00 jusqu'au 07.07.2018 05:00
Posté par Super User
Catégories: Juillet 2018
Mots clés: TECHNO, TechnoTechno Music
Visites: 1530


Lausanne, end of the seventies. In their early years, David and Claudio Quinto are rocked daily by the home turntables. A music melting pot of Soul, Funk, Chilean folk msic and Disco gave rythm the italo-peruvian family days.
A few years later, the teen brothers are playing guitar, vocals and bass guitar in several New Wave, Grunge an Shoegaze bands. They passionately follow the nineties Indie Rock movement.
Shortly after, David moves to Geneva and discovers techno, electro and drum’n’bass scene in local squats an clubs. A revalation. Everything falls into place: the incorporation of drum machines into his productions, the first steps toward electronic music and Djing. By 2004, under the alias “David5“, he performed on stage and at festivals like inter alia Le Zoo, Electron Festival, Les Nuits Sonores and the FMR stage at Paleo Festival.
At the same time, Claudio played with some andin folk bands and profermed live which led him to the Caribana, Electrosanne Festival and Rocking Chair.

Special K


18 ans révolus
Chf 10.-

Le club est à 7 minutes à pieds de la gare de Châteauneuf-Conthey

Le Cercle Club
Rue des industries 9
1964 Conthey
Au sous-sol
078 / 746-63-49

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